Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crabs, new rooms, and one day and counting....

Jack's  been on summer vacation with his dad since Friday.  Not even a full week and I miss him more than I can even imagine.  I feel like a part of me is missing and I try to keep my days filled but sometimes I find myself standing in the kitchen and not knowing what to do.  It's good for him to spend time with his dad and good for me to have a break but I don't think I'll ever get used to this and I don't want to.  Anyway, I'm counting down the next 24 hours and can't wait. 

Before he left, we took him on a daytrip to the beach and had a blast!  He was a little hesitant at first but once we got him in, he was Mr. Independent and wanted us to let go of him while he was in the water.  We had to practically drag him back to the shore.  Jack also had a bad expeience with a crab but all in all, it was a successful trip and I think we'll be hitting the beach again soon!

I spent my week "off" doing projects around the house and hanging out.  Jack will return to a new "big boy bed".  Very exciting....and a little nervewracking since I know staying in the dang thing is going to be a battle but it's time.

Some of my favorite people came in town this weekend and we had an amazing weekend at Summer Musicfest.....hence the pictures. 

Here's to hoping the next 26 hours fly by! Can't wait to see my Jack......

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