Thursday, September 20, 2012

Knock on wood

People keep asking me how school is going this year.  I continue to worry a little that the bottom is about to fall out of everything in my life, including this.  My classes are amazing.  Really...they are.  They listen, they do what I ask, and have even told me on numerous occasions that they love coming to my class and think I'm so funny.  They compliment me daily on my outfits (very important to me) and have even said today that they would wear everything that I wear.  Big compliment coming from teenagers to a thirtysomething woman.  Even my only male fashion design student told me he liked my shoes.  I realize these are in the mags right now and I bought some this weekend, even telling Jared that I'm a trendsetter and I bet I'll get lots of compliments on them.  Which I did...which in turns making me very happy.  Best thing you can do for me is compliment my outfit.  Okay, not really.  I like compliments in general.  But seriously, my kids are great.  They make coming to work a joy.  Let's hope this trend continues.

On another note, we are having a friend fiesta this weekend and Jared is headed to Matagorda with the boys.  Jack went to his dad's today so I won't even have anyone to drop off in the morning.  I actually look forward to this and waking him up in the morning.  When he's still sleepy and puts his hands around my neck and doesn't let go right away.  Makes my heart happy.  I've been stressed and struggling with some things lately so this weekend of relaxation could not come at a better time and I think it will be just the re-charge I need.  One of the biggest things I miss about San Marcos is having a group of psychiatrists at any given hour. 

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