Monday, September 17, 2012


I laid Jack down last night afor the first time, showed him how to put his tiny palms together for his prayers.  We say a little prayer nightly but this was his first time to "participate" if you will.  I look at this little being and how full my heart feels just watching him.  Time has flown by and I wish I could freeze so many moments.  I feel like the first year went by the quickest and I put myself on autopilot just to survive.  I blocked out moments.  I got through moments.  And I always want those moments back.  I look at old pictures or pictures of him with his long, shaggy hair and sweet, pink cheeks and I wish I could back, if just for a moment. 

I have an unhealthy habit of not always living in the present as most of us do and of being scared of being too happy.  I guess with my history I assume the bottom will eventually fall out of things when life is too perfect.  I'm having those moments now.  I pray.  I try to pray daily.  I try to remind myself to pray even more and that I need to go to church because then bad things will not happen. I's silly.I can't pray away the inevitable and my life is wonderful.  Yes, bad things have happened and these won't be the only trials and tribulations I see in my lifetime.  But I am healthy, I have a great job, a home, a car that runs, a beautiful and healthy child, a wonderfully supportive family and friends, and an amazing man who loves me just the way I am. I have friends that are going through much more.  My heart is heavy for them and their own trials. I will not worry.  I will only do this.
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And this.....

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