We have begun our never-ending weekend AKA summer and we are loving it. Swimming lessons, hanging in our PJ's until the late morning, watching our favorite movies over and over, and lots of summer projects. Jared and I went to our friends, Justin and Erin's wedding this weekend, while Jack enjoyed a long weekend at his dad's. It was fantastic - they had every detail perfectly planned, Erin was a stunning bride, and we had an amazing time....we pretty much always have a good time wherever we go. What can I say? I have always loved a good party....except for this time I did not throw up on my dress or fall down on the dance floor (yes, I've done both of these before).

Weddings always bring out my sentimental side and Justin and Erin made it more than known that the people who were there made the day for them - that they were a special group of people and really stressed how important they were. It got me thinking about my relationships with my friends. I am not one with lots of friends but I must say that I have the most amazing friends anyone could ever ask for. They are the drop everything, be there when you need them, listen to the same vent 50 times over, always support my decisions, give you the shirt off their back, know everything about you and still love you kind of gals. We've been friends through thick and thin - through growing up, changing personalities, dating, marriage, babies, divorce, death, illness, and the list goes on. They aren't just there when I need them - they helped me survive. They are not just my friends, they are my family. I honestly don't know where I would be without them. And I've realized lately that not every woman has these types of friends and I am beyond lucky. So this post is dedicated to an amazing group of woman who inspire me every single day - I love you girls beyond words.
Okay, enough sappiness - we also got to stay with Kelly and Tony this weekend, which also always makes for a good time so in the spirit of always ending on a good note, I leave you with some entertaining pics. These two have no shortage of fun in their lives and this weekend was no exception. Thanks, sister!