Friday, April 27, 2012

Today is a good day.

Today is a good day.  I started a blog...something I've been thinking of doing for awhile now.  I used to have one - some of you may remember.  But I took a much-needed hiatus and thought we needed a new here goes - A Day in the Life of Cookie.  What the heck?  You may wonder...some special people in my life call me Cookie and I like it.  I've never had a nickname before and I can't think of a better one.  I don't think I have anything uber interesting to say on a daily basis but I hope you stop by and visit sometimes and that you at least get a little laugh.

Today is a good day...there are many reasons. I have been blessed beyond belief on any given day of the week.  I know this is true.  But today just ended up being a good day and I realized they were all simple reasons, which I like even better.  As I've gotten  a tad older (and I like to think wiser), I've realized that I take lots of enjoyment in simple pleasures...a Diet Coke fountain drink, birds singing in the morning, hot coffee, wearing my bikini all day for no reason but that I can, a certain someone's giggle, a hug, fresh flowers, or a good margarita.

 These are mine for today:

1.  one of my students made me a bracelet ...yeah for teachers
2.  I had a chocolate covered apple after lunch
3.  It's Friday and nothing but simple fun on the agenda this weekend
4.  I got new headbands yesterday ...anyone that knows me knows that this fashionista loves new accessories
5.  TAKS is over and my duties as a hall monitor are done.
6.  There are only 24 days of school left...need I say more?
7.  I'm itching to take some new pics with my camera and this weekend will be the perfect time.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend....2 year pics of my Jack to come!